Build Muscle.

Lose Fat.

Gain Strength.


My name is Aaron Martin.

I'm a Personal Trainer and Nutrition coach based out of Rugby, Warwickshire and yes it is a place not just a game. Believe it or not, where the game was actually invented.

Professionally, I've worked with many people from different backgrounds, from complete novices to professional athletes. Helping individuals Build muscle, Lose fat and really Gain some strength...

And that's my job....which I absolutely love.

With being an ex professional athlete, a rugby player believe it or not (the irony, a rugby player from rugby) and having 10 years of training experience myself.

I want to give you the knowledge and lessons I've learned over that 10 years of experience.

And that's why the AMF online coaching program is worth every penny.

Because I take care of all the thinking for you.

I design your personalised training plan, set your nutritional targets and make sure you achieve success no matter what.


  • Initial Consultation

    Analyse goals and make a plan to get there.

    Discuss overall health and physical abilities.

    Learn more about your lifestyle, so we can create a plan that suits it.

  • Personalized Training Program

    Frequency and Volume to match your needs and goals.

    Progressive training phases

    Optimal programming, involving sets, reps, rest periods and tempo.

  • Custom Nutritional Targets

    Sustainable and flexible nutritional targets, allowing you to eat the foods you love and still get the body you want.

  • Supplement Advice

    No diet pills or magic powders (obviously).

    The supplements I recommend are all backed with strong scientific evidence.

    Including a cost/effective analysis of which are best specifically for you.

  • Accountability & Motivation

    Weekly check-ins to make sure you and your program are on point.

    Daily tracking of Nutrition and Training.

    100% access to me, so you will never feel 'alone' or 'helpless' in this process.

  • Form Reviews

    Regular reviews of exercise form to increase strength and effectiveness of training, but also prevent injury.